Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A life of its own

It is becoming clear to me that this adventure is becoming bigger than me. Everytime I go to Radiator Springs Racers, I meet people that have seen my posts on Facebook or see my ride total lanyard. They all have words of encouragement and congratulate me on what I'm doing. Just today, one of the tram cast members, wanted to shake my hand and told me to keep going. Then yesterday, one of the Pit Crew at Racers was asked by a guest if I was for real or just a Disney myth. 
All the Disney groups I've joined have also had words of encouragement.
I feel I need to keep going and gladly will.
This all may of ended last year when I hit 1000 laps (for the year). The surprise ride with the Pit Crew and giving me a Piston Cup and 2 art pieces was way more than I deserved. Then the love and support to keep going from the Crew took over. I can honestly say, they are the main reason I kept going and keep going today. Some of them have become great friends. 
So who knows what the future holds. But I will continue to add to my lap total. I don't even get down when the ride has issues. It gives me time to visit with the Pit Crew. KA CHOW!!!

The 1000 lap from last year. With Eddie, John, Ruth and Carlene

2000 lap last year. With Ruth, Carlene, Catalina and Katie.
2400 lap from last year. With Ken and Sandra White.
3000 all time lap with Carlene.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Today will be the day I hit 3000 times on Radiator Springs Racers, since the ride opened in June 2012. So let's get started.
I arrived at the admission gate at 7:50am. The gates opened at 8:32am. Got to rope drop at 8:33am.
Walked down to Racers at 9am. Got to ride at 9:04am. Walked in with standby line. Got on first car with guests out of the station. Dropped off cookies to Pit Crew and photo people.
Lap 2995 at 9:07am.
Lap 2996 at 9:25am.
Lap 2997 at 9:39am. 
I'm wearing the hat that all the Pit Crew members signed.
Lap 2998 at 10am. 
Carlene B. showed up on her day off. We went on lap 2999 at 10:15am in separate cars.
At 11am, Heather H. And her mom Dorise showed up at the ride. We went into the single rider line. At 11:23am. Carlene was in the front seat and me in the backseat. We were in Purple 2. And we won lap 3000. 
I was very happy that Carlene, Heather and Dorise were here for my 3000. It really meant a lot to me. Now I need to get photos with all my Pit Crew friends.

Carlene B. in front seat left side. 
Heather H. And Carlene B.