Sunday, April 19, 2015

Star Wars Celebration

ITook a few days off from Racers to attend the Star Wars Celebration at the Anaheim Convention Center. Celebration takes place every 2 years and when it was announced it would be in Anaheim, I knew I had to attend. Some of my close friends showed up. Ken and Sandra White, Heather H. And her boyfriend Jon. Mike Garcia. And some of my Racer family. Ruth C, Phil P, Cian, the 2 Yesenias, Bryan, Chris, And Amos. Saw some great panels with Carrie Fisher, Billy D Williams, the new creative team of the upcoming Star Wars movie, Rogue One, and Anthony Daniels. Also took lots of photos. 
I saw that my 2 favorite Star Wars characters were signing autographs. Did not think much about a signature. But then I saw a chance to get a photo with Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill. Leia and Luke. This was a once in a lifetime chance I could not pass. I thought I could bring anyone with me for the photo. So I invited my Racer friends to join in. When we all showed up, I found out only 4 people per photo ticket. I did not want to let anyone down, so I bought another one. It was the least I could do for my friends that have given me so much in my Racer journey. I even wore my Racer jacket and the hat the crew all signed.
The shot turned out great and Carrie and Mark shook all our hands and thanked us. 
It was 3 days I will never forget. 
So back to Racers tomorrow to continue my race to 5000 laps.

Photo with the Skywalker twins

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